Sansevieria Trifasciata Cylindrica

Sansevieria Trifasciata Cylindrica characteristics
Thrives in low lightBig leavesTall plant. ~47.2"Good for bedroomGood for living room


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Know more about Sansevieria Trifasciata Cylindrica

Sansevieria Trifasciata Cylindrica is a succulent plant native to Africa that in its natural habitat is used to receiving lots of direct sunlight and surviving without water.

Sansevierias thrive in low light conditions and are drought-tolerant, making it a recommended plant for beginners or travelers that fits every house and that is recommended for bedrooms, living rooms or offices because it is an air purifier plant

Sansevieria Cylindrica has smooth, greenish-gray striped sub-cylindrical leaves that can grow up to 2 meters. The most common reason for the death of a snake plant is excessive watering.

Snake plants are slightly toxic if swallowed, so keep it far from cats, dogs, and children.

Key tips for successful care

  • Living rooms and bedrooms are good spots to place your Sansevieria because it removes air toxins.
  • Sansevierias are mildly toxic if ingested, so put it away from cats, dogs and children.
  • If the leaves are drooping it's because you're over-watering it, let it dry for a while and it will recover.
  • Sansevieria Trifasciata usually dies because of over-watering. Don't do it.

Sansevieria Trifasciata Cylindrica care guide

Sansevieria Cylindrica likes bright light and can stand plenty of direct sunlight. They thrive in low light conditions even though their growth is slowed substantially.

Sansevieria plants have more vibrant colors if they are placed in bright spots.

Video tutorials of Sansevieria Cylindrica care and tips

The video tutorials might not be about the same exact plant, but a plant of the same family, which have the same requirements.

Video created by Summer Rayne Oakes about how to take care of a snake plant
Video created by delaplants about how to take care of a snake plant
Video created by Good Growing about how to take care of a snake plant