
Monstera Pinnatipartita

Monstera Pinnatipartita characteristics
Needs bright lightBig leavesTall plant. ~196.9"Good for bathroom


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Know more about Monstera Pinnatipartita

Monstera Pinnatipartita is a rare evergreen and beautiful climbing plant originally from South America that looks similar to Monstera Deliciosa. It has divided leaves when it matures and produces white waxy flowers that along with its aerial roots, make it look wildly.

Monstera Pinnatipartita must not be placed in the direct sun for a long period because it will burn its leaves. Also, be mindful when getting a monstera home because they are mildly toxic if ingested, meaning that you should take precautions if you have pets or children. I've never had a bad experience with my pets myself because they have an instinct, but I always try to see how they react the first days after adding this plant to my collection.

It is so recommended to use totems or to place it in a spot where it can trail to maximize its growth. As a houseplant it doesn't grow much compared to taking it outside, where it can take a whole big corner.It is so recommended to use totems or to place monsteras in a spot where they can trail to maximize its growth. As a houseplant, it doesn't grow much compared to taking it outside, where it can take a whole big corner.

Key tips for successful care

  • Give your Monstera Pinnatipartita bright light.
  • Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth and gently dry to keep them clean and healthy.
  • Don't let your Monstera remain in water.
  • Let your Monstera trail surfaces like totems, grills or walls.
  • Monstera roots are not the type of roots that damage walls or surfaces.
  • Rotate your Monstera periodically.
  • Raise the temperature and humidity to make your monstera feel like home.

Monstera Pinnatipartita care guide

Monstera Pinnatipartita can grow about anywhere in your home! It tolerates low light, but you may see that it grows slower than usual and that the leaves become darker.

To see your monstera growing fast and healthy, place it in a bright place with an hour of morning direct sun at most. Another trick to spread your monstera is to use totems or other surfaces to make it trail over.

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