
Aspidistra Elatior

Aspidistra Elatior characteristics
Thrives in low lightBig leavesPet friendly


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Know more about Aspidistra Elatior

Aspidistra Elatior is a hardy plant easy for beginners due to its low maintenance. It is originally from Asia and is a recommended plant for travelers because it is a drought-tolerant plant.

The Cast Iron Plant has dark green leaves and can slowly grow up to 90cm. It's common to use it as an office plant because it tolerates all ranges of light conditions.

Cast Iron plants are safe for cats, dogs, and children because it's not toxic.

Key tips for successful care

  • Don't place your Aspidistra Elatior in direct sunlight.
  • Water your Cast Iron Plant only when its soil has dried almost completely.
  • Aspidistra Elatior are good office plants because they survive low light conditions even artificial.
  • Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust.

Aspidistra Elatior care guide

Aspidistra Elatior is one of the hardiest plants in the market and it's recommended plant for beginners because it can tolerate many light and temperature ranges.

The Cast Iron Plant survives to low light conditions even artificial, so it's a good office plant. Having it in those conditions will be happy without a lot of effort from you but it will grow slowly.

If you want your Aspidistra Elatior to grow fast and big, provide it a bright light far from direct sunlight or its leaves will burn.

Video tutorials of Cast Iron Plant care and tips

The video tutorials might not be about the same exact plant, but a plant of the same family, which have the same requirements.

Video created by kraftgardens about how to take care of a aspidistra
Video created by The Indoor Garden TV show about how to take care of a aspidistra